

Welcome to the footnote¹ blog. Our goal each day is to examine a verse and give a short summary in commentary form or simply an encouraging note to help you remain faithful to God throughout the week. Either way we hope that the footnote¹ blog will comfort you through God's word and give you a better understanding of His will.


Does It Matter What We Believe?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.” (Galatians 1.6-7, ESV)¹


¹This writer recently went to a funeral where the speaker claimed that “it does not matter what faith you are as long as Jesus is your Savior” (paraphrased). However, the Bible teaches us the complete opposite. It is sad that this man claims to speak for God and yet he spoke something that God did not say.

Paul, an inspired apostle of Jesus told the 1st century Christians that there was no other gospel. In fact, he even taught that there is only “one faith” (Eph. 4.5) whereas the gentlemen above spoke as if there are many faiths. Admittedly, while there are many “faiths” as seen in the religious world, God only approves of one. [Note: “the faith” is the same thing in Scripture as the gospel. If there are many faiths, there are many gospels. For a study of this, please contact us.]

Paul continued, “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1.8-9, ESV). Notice that he repeated himself and that his words bring serious consequences! It matters what we believe! We cannot just claim to believe one thing either not taught in Scripture or contrary to Scripture and then claim to be a follower of Jesus! If we are following Jesus it is because we are listening to Him and obeying His will on His terms.

Please understand that the world and false teachers will tell you that you can religiously believe and practice whatever you want, but the Bible teaches otherwise. The question is, “Will you accept what the Bible says or will you be like those who believe a lie?” (See 2 Thess. 2.10-12)

If you’re interested in learning more about the kind of faith we are to have to be pleasing to God please e-mail Bryan Garlock, message us on Facebook, or text 903.308.4905.

The Bible Is Our Standard

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


“The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.” (John 12.48, ESV)¹


¹We must have standards for all we do in life. Standard is defined: “as a level of quality, achievement, etc., that is considered acceptable or desirable; ideas about morally correct and acceptable behavior; something that is very good and that is used to make judgments about the quality of other things" (Merriam-Webster). Thus, without standards we would and could not agree on anything and disunity and chaos would follow. For example, the employee policy hanging on the wall at work is the standard by which all employees must measure themselves. If an employee is found lacking in a particular area, his or her employer has the necessary tools to either help the employee improve or if the employee continues to spiral down, terminate them. Therefore, we understand the policy to keep the employee working effectively and efficiently.

Another standard worth mentioning is the handy dandy tape measure. Without it our buildings would be crooked and unstable and our furniture would be uncomfortable to look at and sit on! This is because we would never agree to the length of a piece of wood. One builder might say the length is 10 inches, while another argues the length is 14 inches. Thus, to eliminate disunity and chaos, these builders would have to adopt a standard by which they measure each piece of wood.

In the religious world, the Bible is our standard. With it we measure our faith (2 Cor. 13.5; James 1.25), our maturity in Christ (2 Tim. 3.16-17; 2 Peter 1.3) and our eternal outcome will be measured by our faithfulness (Rev. 2.10). Since God’s word will be the judge, that is, our standard, it would do us well to heed and obey the words of Christ in all things (Col. 3.17). BG

Are you interested in learning more about God's word? Message us on Facebook, e-mail us, or text 903.308.4905.

Let’s Ask Nadab and Abihu

Tuesday, May 02, 2017


“Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it and laid incense on it and offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, which he had not commanded them.” (Leviticus 10.1, ESV)¹


¹Notice in our text that they “offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, which he had not commanded them”. Here is an example of two individuals who did not glorify God by obeying His word. Though they were worshipping God, they were not worshipping according to His commandments, or in this case, they were offering something He had not even commanded!

Many religious people worship God however they want to. For example, God has commanded His children to sing while assembled to worship Him (Col. 3.16; Eph. 5.19, etc.). However, the majority of people play mechanical instruments coupled with singing. One may argue, “There’s nothing wrong with using instruments in worship - the Bible does not say we cannot do it!”

First, this argument admits that the Bible is silent concerning mechanical instruments in worship, and second, this argument is given by those who want to serve God however they please and not by whatever pleases Him. To say we can use instruments when God never commanded them (that is, acting without His authority) and then to argue that God “did not say not to” is to be guilty of the same thing Nadab and Abihu were - adding to the word of God (Rev. 22.18-19).

Notice the consequence of their addition to God’s silence: “Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it and laid incense on it and offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, which he had not commanded them. And fire came out from before the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord. Then Moses said to Aaron, ‘This is what the Lord has said: “Among those who are near me I will be sanctified, and before all the people I will be glorified.”’ And Aaron held his peace.” (Lev. 10.1-3, ESV)

If God has been silent on something, that does not necessarily mean we have the authority to do whatever we please. We cannot be saved if we act without authority from God. Just ask Nadab and Abihu!

We at the Franklin Drive Church of Christ strive to obey the authority of Jesus. We have music in our assembly - A cappella music - because our Lord has commanded us to sing. We can know that when we sing we are pleasing to Him. If you’re interested in learning more about God’s will and authority and what the Bible teaches concerning singing and mechanical instruments, e-mail Bryan Garlock or text 903.308.4905.

Let's Sing!

Friday, March 31, 2017


“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3.16, ESV)¹


¹The Bible teaches us in Colossians chapter three to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. In a parallel verse, the Bible says, “speaking [addressing, ESV] to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5.19, NKJV).

Notice that God wants us to sing (see also Matt. 26.30; Acts 16.25; James 5.13, etc.). Further, He wants us to teach while singing. While some songs are designed to praise God, other songs are designed to encourage us to obey the gospel or to remain faithful. This can only be done through A cappella music, for no mechanical instrument ever taught any man the gospel.

Since God wants us to sing, the melody is to be made in our hearts. While melody can certainly be made mechanically, the melody that pleases our Father and is commanded by Him is the melody produced in the heart and from the fruit of our lips.

If you’re interested in learning more about singing and praising God according to His word, e-mail Bryan Garlock or text 903.308.4905. Also, you’re welcome to come to our gospel singing tonight (March 31st, 2017) at 7pm.

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    3/9/25 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    3/9/25 10:15am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    3/9/25 06:00pm
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    3/12/25 07:00pm
  5. Sun AM Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:30am
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